Have I Been Encoded
Have I Been Encoded
Keep track of what all the different AI’s say about you!
Have I Been Encoded Features
- 🔍 Search your name in AI models: Have I Been Encoded allows users to search their name in AI models to see what information is associated with them.
- 💬 Unlock ChatGPT answer: Users can unlock ChatGPT answers related to their name and gain insights into what AI models know about them.
- 🔔 Receive notifications when your name is found in new AI models: Users can set up notifications to stay informed when their name is discovered in new AI models.
- 🔄 Get updates when answers about you change in the future: Have I Been Encoded provides updates whenever there are changes in the information associated with a user’s name in AI models.
- 🔒 Access guidance on data privacy and opting out of Large Language Model answers: Users can access guidance on data privacy and learn how to opt out of Large Language Model answers to protect their privacy.
Use Cases
- 🔐 Users who want to maintain their privacy and ensure their information is not being used by AI models: Have I Been Encoded is a valuable tool for individuals who are concerned about their privacy and want to monitor and control the information associated with their name in AI models.
- 🇪🇺 EU citizens can exercise their “right to be forgotten” under GDPR 2018: Have I Been Encoded enables EU citizens to exercise their right to be forgotten by identifying their information in AI models and taking appropriate actions to protect their privacy.
Have I Been Encoded is a powerful service that empowers users to keep track of the information associated with their name in AI models. With features like searching for their name, unlocking ChatGPT answers, receiving notifications, getting updates, and accessing guidance on data privacy, users can take control of their personal information and ensure their privacy is protected. Whether it’s for privacy-conscious individuals or EU citizens exercising their right to be forgotten, Have I Been Encoded provides a valuable solution for monitoring and managing personal data in the age of AI.
Q: Can I opt out of having my name associated with AI models?
A: Yes, Have I Been Encoded provides guidance on data privacy and opting out of Large Language Model answers to help users protect their privacy.
Q: How often are the AI models updated?
A: Have I Been Encoded keeps users informed by providing updates whenever there are changes in the information associated with their name in AI models.
Q: Is Have I Been Encoded available for users outside the EU?
A: Yes, Have I Been Encoded is available for users worldwide who want to monitor and control the information associated with their name in AI models.
See more Search Engine AI tools: https://airepohub.com/category/search-engine